Spiritual practice is not what I thought it was. It's better.
If you look to popular culture for an image of what spiritual practice looks like these days, it is usually in some form resembling a...
I'll admit right at the outset, that while the vast majority of my training in Zen has been rooted in a tradition that connects heavily...
Background: It's funny how things happen sometimes. I started and stalled on this blog about 3 weeks ago. Then, in the last 48 hours,...
A Call to Sesshin
In about a month and half it will be time for the Jukai Sesshin. Over the years, this retreat has developed and changed in shape, much...
Down Shift
Summer is just about upon us, and in my world that usually has a very specific shape. My students are spent, as are my collegues. The...
The Archive
Right now the plan is to move all of our Zen relatedd blogs over to this new site. So here you will find links to various blogs that I...