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A Call to Sesshin


In about a month and half it will be time for the Jukai Sesshin. Over the years, this retreat has developed and changed in shape, much like the community itself. It has gone from Lourdes to the farm. It has gone from the dead of winter to the heat of summer. And although Jukai and Do'on's transmition are embedded in this sesshin, it remains sesshin. The tradition that is emerging however, is that of the Augst Jukai Sesshin as a homecoming event.

If you are not a Jukai student, please know that this is first and formost, a sesshin. This is the crucible of practice. This is the kiln in which we press our practice against the heat. It is the most precious form of our tradition.

If you are a Jukai student, you should be making it to sesshin as much as possible, but THIS IS THE ONE TO NOT MISS. What is emerging is an intention in the community to make this the 'family reunion' sesshin.

Last year, there vast majority of raksus at the Jukai sesshin were the ones that were being sewn. I know that we, as students, support the initiates, but it is important to actually come out and support the initiates with your bodily presence. Those who know these forms and have walked this path are needed to hold together the container in which these new bodhisattvas sew the Buddha's robe and take on the practice of manifesting compassion in the world. You don't have to look far to see how much compassion practice is needed.

The tragic events of recent weeks have served to remind me that this world is in great need of compassionate and loving hearts dedicated to manifesting good for all beings. At the same time, developments is marriage equality in the United States serves as a reminder that working towards compassionate change can and does bear fruit.

As practitioners of the Way, how can we not make great effort in nurturing these seeds as they blossom in the spirit of our brothers and sisters.

I hope to see you there for an afternoon, a day, the entire week or any version that you can make work. But please find something that you can make work, and offer it to this nursery of bodhisattvas.

Many bows,


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