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What is Zen Practice?


In western culture, the word 'zen' is used to sell breakfast cereal, vitamins and even clothing.  But what is Zen?


To talk about authentic Zen is to talk about Zen practice.  It is a tradition of mental and spiritual training that can focus the mind and open the heart.


The front door of this study is the practice of Zazen.  This form of seated meditation has been the core of Zen training for over 1500 years.


Through Zazen we can find the capacity to stop being pulled around by the endless flow of thoughts and anxieties that rush through our mindstream.

If you are new to Zen practice, we will teach you the fundamentals of working with the posture, the breath and the mind.  Our weekly meeting consists of 1 or 2 periods of zazen, a period walking meditation and a recorded talk from the Drinking Gourd Podcasts.  Afterwards, we have some tea and share our thoughts on the talk and anything else that is coming up for us in daily practice.


There is plenty of opportunity for visitors to ask questions about Zen practice.  We meet every Tuesday night at 7 pm.  If you are visiting us for the first time, please arrive a few minutes early.  We are located at 277 Beneteau Drive in River Canard (Amherstburg), right on the edge of LaSalle.

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